Interview with the Mindful Nutritionist, Joanna Heffernan
We had the chance to speak with Joanna Heffernan, an expert in mindful nutrition and wellness. In addition to her role as a successful nutritionist, Joanna is also a busy mom To find out more about Joanna’s business, visit her website here.
Tell me a bit about yourself, where you are from and what was your upbringing
I am from Cork City, born in Ireland, raised by an Irish father and a British mother. I have one brother, and three sisters. It was a busy household with a family pet around always.
What was your favourite food/dish growing up?
I loved Kedgeree, it is a British/Indian dish of smoked coley, mixed with rice, green peas, and eggs. Sunday roasts are always something I love. I also loved homemade desserts that my mother made quite often.
Was there anything you disliked?
Chicken nuggets.
What’s your favourite meal now? To cook? To eat?
As a mother, I often cook pasta dishes, salads, french dishes (French husband influence), and meat/fish.
What’s the kitchen appliance you wouldn't be without?
Blender, frother, coffee machine, and cooking utensils.
The one ingredient you wouldn’t be without?
Three ingredients, one dish…what is it?
Reblochon Cheese, Lardons, New potatoes – Tartiflette Dish.
Do your children cook, bake?
My daughter is good when she is in the mood or needs to.
What is your go-to family meal?
Spaghetti Bolognese, Caesar Salad or Greek Salad or Pasta with pesto, mascarpone, and lardons.
Do you have any tips to make food tastier/healther?
Cook fresh food from scratch where possible
Do you have any tips to save on food waste?
Buy only what you need, don’t do a huge shopping for fresh foods, and then throw away what goes off because you did not use it.
Do you have any tips for encouraging your kids to eat more veggies?
Don’t overwhelm the little ones with huge amounts in one dish, just have a side dish of nicely prepared veg with the meal. Bring in some snacks during the day of cucumber, tomatoes, peppers, fruit etc…
Do you have any advice for helping kids enjoy mealtimes?
Always sit at the table for dinner, and engage in a discussion. Let them lead it.
Do you have any kitchen hacks?
Clean as you go. Good habit.
What is your children's favourite meal?
They are diverse. They don’t have just one favourite meal. They like most things that are made. Although, they do love their Nanny’s Sunday Roast a lot.